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To install the FlightRadarAPI for Python, use the following pip command:

pip install FlightRadarAPI

Basic Usage

Start by importing the FlightRadar24API class and creating an instance of it:

from FlightRadar24 import FlightRadar24API
fr_api = FlightRadar24API()

Fetching Data

You can fetch various types of data using the following methods:

  • Flights list:

    flights = fr_api.get_flights(...)  # Returns a list of Flight objects
  • Airports list:

    airports = fr_api.get_airports(...)  # Returns a list of Airport objects
  • Airlines list:

    airlines = fr_api.get_airlines()
  • Zones list:

    zones = fr_api.get_zones()

Fetching Detailed Information

Fetch more information about a specific flight or airport using the following methods:

  • Flight details:

    flight_details = fr_api.get_flight_details(flight)
    print("Flying to", flight.destination_airport_name)
  • Airport details:

    airport_details = fr_api.get_airport_details(icao)


    Arrivals and departures can have a limit flightLimit (max value is 100) to display. When you need to reach more than 100 flights you can use additional parameter page to view other pages.

Advanced Usage

Fetching Flights Above a Specific Position

Use the get_bounds_by_point(...) method to fetch flights above a specific position. This method takes latitude and longitude for your position and radius for the distance in meters from your position to designate a tracking area.

# Your point is 52°34'04.7"N 13°16'57.5"E from Google Maps and radius 2km
bounds = fr_api.get_bounds_by_point(52.567967, 13.282644, 2000)

flights = fr_api.get_flights(bounds = bounds)

Filtering Flights and Airports

Use the get_flights(...) method to search for flights by area line, bounds (customized coordinates or obtained by the get_zones() method), aircraft registration or aircraft type.

airline_icao = "UAE"
aircraft_type = "B77W"

# You may also set a custom region, such as: bounds = "73,-12,-156,38"
zone = fr_api.get_zones()["northamerica"]
bounds = fr_api.get_bounds(zone)

emirates_flights = fr_api.get_flights(
    aircraft_type = aircraft_type,
    airline = airline_icao,
    bounds = bounds

Fetching Airport by ICAO or IATA

lukla_airport = fr_api.get_airport(code = "VNLK", details = True)

Calculating Distance Between Flights and Airports

The Flight and Airport classes inherit from Entity, which contains the get_distance_from(...) method. This method returns the distance between the self instance and another entity in kilometers.

airport = fr_api.get_airport("KJFK")
distance = flight.get_distance_from(airport)

print(f"The flight is {distance} km away from the airport.")

Downloading Flight Data

history_data = fr_api.get_history_data(flight, file_type="csv", time=1706529600)

 with open("history_data.csv", "w") as file:


If an invalid time is provided, a blank document will be returned.

Parameter Description
flight_id The ID of the flight. This can be obtained from any other function that returns flight details.
file_type The format of the file to download. This can be either "CSV" or "KML".
time The scheduled time of departure (STD) of the flight in UTC, as a Unix timestamp.

Setting and Getting Real-time Flight Tracker Parameters

Set it by using the set_flight_tracker_config(...) method. It receives a FlightTrackerConfig dataclass instance, but you can also use keyword arguments directly to the method.

Get the current configuration with the get_flight_tracker_config() method, that returns a FlightTrackerConfig instance. Note: creating a new FlightTrackerConfig instance means resetting all parameters to default.

flight_tracker = fr_api.get_flight_tracker_config()
flight_tracker.limit = 10

fr_api.set_flight_tracker_config(flight_tracker, ...)

flights = fr_api.get_flights(...)  # Returns only 10 flights